Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Update: Feeling Better So Here's What I'm Working On

I thought I should post an update on how I'm feeling since catching Covid last week. I'm on the mend. Thanks very much to everyone for the get well wishes. Yesterday and today I started to catch up with all the work I hadn't been able to do before then - which is mainly three talks and workshops I'm running over the next couple of weeks.

This Saturday, 2nd July, afternoon I'm giving a talk on scrying for MoonCon 22, which is the free online two-day conference with talks from Moon Books authors. I'm pleased to say I've now prepped for that, with slides and a guided visualisation. My talk should last about 45 minutes. You can find the programme for the entire event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/287887610155224

On Tuesday 5 July I'm running a 2-hour online scrying workshop as part of the Doreen Valiente 100th Year Celebration collection by The Doreen Valiente Foundation.  That starts at: 6.30pm and tickets are £5.98. You can find out more here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/cc/doreen-valiente-100th-year-celebration-141779

On Saturday 9 July, Laura Daligan and I will be teaching a one-day community workshop on goddesses as part of the Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic exhibition at the British Museum in London. This is a private event for British Museum Community Group members, but I very much hope to share the workshop - or parts of it - online at a later date. Luckily most of this was written before I got ill, but I'm still put the finishing touches to the activities. You can find out more about the British Museum exhibition here: https://www.britishmuseum.org/exhibitions-events

Tomorrow I will be posting my regular weekly events post on A Bad Witch's Blog and after that I hope to be returning to daily week-day blogging. 

Thanks everyone for your patience while I recover from Covid.

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