Tuesday 3 October 2023

Authors On Their Own Writing: Rachel Walker

I've interviewed wolf spirituality writer and teacher Rachel Walker about which of her own books she most liked and why, continuing my mini interview series with authors.

Q: Of the books you’ve written, which is your favourite and what’s it about?

A: My first book Lupa. She-Wolf of Rome, Mother of Destiny is my favourite. As my first book baby, I have a special place for it in my heart but also it is exciting for me to be able to share Lupa with the world in this way! 

She is a powerful Wolf Goddess, from ancient Roman mythology that brings forth the codes and wisdom of remembering, actualising and celebrating one's destiny.

In her mythology, she rescues, suckles and then takes to her cave the babies Romulus and Remus, who later, due to her intervention and teaching, become the founding fathers of the city of Rome. She was deified and honoured by the ancient Romans and remains as the symbol of Rome to this day.

In this book I share more about her story, from Etruscan nature deity to the wet-murse of Rome, as well as a re-telling of her mythology but in her own voice. I also share many suggestions and sacred tools on how to work with her. 

Q: Why is it your favourite?

A: Lupa is needed right now as we all search for deeper meaning and purpose in our lives. She is a fiercesome but nurturing mother that will empower you to embody courage, to honour your authenticity and to trust yourself, your reason for being here and the difference that you can be and make in the world.  

I am also passionate about encouraging everyone to reclaim their untamed nature; the part of ourselves that is unfiltered, and unlimited by the viewpoints, norms and judgements of society. Through this book I hope that anyone who reads it will be inspired to choose to ask 'who am I truly?' and 'how can I express and celebrate that?'. I am here to support and guide this journey and this book is an invaluable tool to get you started.

Q: Tell me a bit about any other books you’ve written.

I have also written a book for men and women, old and young, to connect to WOLF wisdom, mythology and archetype. It is called WOLF. How to embody your Inner Wolf.

It is a combination of an exploration of ancient mythology and wolf deities, along with guidance on how to embody the wolf and the many archetypes and roles of the pack. This is complemented by a re-telling of the ancient stories of Fenrir and Hel, a quiz to discover which elemental wolf you most connect to and client success stories of those I have supported in becoming more Wolf; Untamed, Empowered and Courageous.  

Q: Tell me a bit more about yourself 

A: I'm the author of Lupa and Wolf, as well as a sacred dance teacher, priestess, women's empowerment coach and flower essence practitioner. I'm the creatrix of Wolf Woman Rising, a wisdom school where I empower people to embody wisdom, reclaim your wild and create a life lived on purpose. Through online community, courses and training, as well as in-person retreats I initiate women into the feminine arts, nature alchemy and divine connection.

My desire has always been to create a bridge between history and spirituality, mythology and well-being, transmuting mythology into embodied wisdom, so that it becomes a tool of healing, empowerment and awakening for men and women.

I'm also the founder and principal teacher of Under the Dancing Tree School of Sacred Dance and Healing. Using my own journey and over 20 years’ experience of teaching and training I infuse spirituality into my dance and teachings. I do so to impassion, empower, and inspire students to deeply understand Self embodied and to explore dance as a powerful means to express emotion, facilitate spiritual healing, and to fully embrace womanhood.

You can view Lupa. She-Wolf of Rome, Mother of Destiny on Amazon.

(Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links. This helps support my blog at no extra cost to those who read my posts.)

Rachel Walker Online:

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