Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Authors On Their Writing: Bard of Ely Steve Andrews

I've interviewed eco-spirituality writer, naturalist and musician Steve Andrews, the Bard of Ely, about which of his own books he most liked and why, continuing my mini interview series with authors. I'm sharing this post on International Day of Climate Action.

Q: Of the books you’ve written, which is your favourite?

A: Earth Spirit: Saving Mother Ocean

Q: What’s it about?

A: As the title suggests, it is about marine conservation and saving the seas. 

Q: Why is it your favourite?

A: It's my favourite, not so much because of the subject matter, but because I think it is my most important book. This is because Mother Ocean is where all life originated and because life on this planet depends on a healthy ocean. This is not widely known enough and yet, as Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson, who endorsed my work says: "If the ocean dies, we die."

Q: Tell me a bit more about yourself and any other books you’ve written.

A: I am an author, singer-songwriter, poet, naturalist and activist. I am also a Druid as a Quest Knight of the Loyal Arthurian Warband and a Bard of the order. I was also given the title Bard of Ely by Big Issue Cymru when I lived in Cardiff and was a columnist for the publication back in 1998. These days I live in Portugal. Besides Earth Spirit: Saving Mother Ocean, I have the following books published by Moon Books: Herbs of the Northern Shaman, Herbs of the Southern Shaman, Pagan Portals: Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets, and The Magic of Butterflies and Moths

My books are available from many bookstores, from book suppliers online, and from my publisher: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/moon-books/authors/steve-andrews

You can also view Saving Mother Ocean on Amazon. (Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links. This helps support my blog at no extra cost to those who read my posts.)

Here are detiails of where you can find Steve Andrews online:


1 comment:

The Green Bard said...

Thank you so much for interviewing me!