Friday, 12 January 2024

Authors' 2024 Plans: Mariëlle S. Smith on Tarot

As the year is still fresh, I'm starting a new series of interviews with authors on their plans for 2024. My first chat is with tarot expert Mariëlle S. Smith. Here's what she said:

Q: What book have you got coming out next in 2024?

A: My main project for 2024 is writing and publishing the updated and expanded anniversary edition of Tarot for Creatives, which came out in 2019. The new edition will be out this summer.

Q: What’s it about?

A: Tarot for Creatives is a collection of card spreads that helps people who lost touch with their intuition and that inner creative spark.

The first edition includes twenty-one spreads. The second edition will have twice as many, at least, as well as a slew of other intentional practices that’ll help creatives stay centred and grounded and aligned with their creative purpose. It’ll be similar to how Tarot for Entrepreneurs is set up, which came out last summer.

Q: What event or events are you planning around the launch?

A: I’ve published all my recent books with the help of Kickstarter, and I’ll be using that same platform for Tarot for Creatives 2.0. I never really plan any other events around the actual launch of my books, but now I’m thinking maybe I should… Let’s see if my brain comes up with something fitting now you’ve sparked it into action!

Q: What are you currently working on?

A: Aside from Tarot for Creatives 2.0, I’m working on my next tarot challenge, Listen to Your Heart. I’m in the middle of creating a special edition of the book that will only be available through Kickstarter. I’m also looking into options to create a wire-bound version of my 52 Weeks of Writing series, but that might have to wait next year.

As for fiction, I’m working on two fantasy series. I’ve almost finished the first rough draft of the second book in one series, and I’m planning to work on the next draft of the first book of the other series once that’s done and needs to be put in a drawer for a bit.

More about Mariëlle S. Smith

When she’s not typing away at her next fiction or non-fiction book, Mariëlle S. Smith coaches creatives on their path to fulfilling their soul’s calling using a combination of life coaching, Akashic Records readings, cartomancy, and Reiki. She also works as a developmental and copy editor of both fiction, non-fiction, and academic publications. Here's where you can find her online:


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