Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Magical Events Over Imbolc both Online & in London

Here's a list of magical events over the next week or so with a mixture of online and in-person things to do, including celebrations over the next week or so including Imbolc. I generally list events in the UK, especially in or near London, but you can do online things anywhere.

Now - 18 February; Cabinets of Death: Death Museum and Cocktelarium. An exhibition co-curated by Bompas and Parr and Joanna Ebenstein at The Viktor Wynd Museum of UnNatural History. Venue: 11 Mare Street, London, E8 4RP.
Now - 4 April;  Exhibition - Swedenborg’s Lusthus. Venue: Swedenborg House, 20-21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH. Tickets free but reserve a place

Now to Friday 2 February; Re-Awakening the Sacred Self  - Deepening Our Connection with Our Authentic Soul Online International Conference. Free to watch live online but you can upgrade for lifetime access to the content with prices from $55AUS.

Now - 25 February; Fantasy: Realms of Imagination. Exhibition at the British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2DB. Adult tickets £16, teenagers £8, under 11 free:

Every Wednesday and Friday: Pop-In Days at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am - 4pm. Free, just pop in.

Wednesday 31 January; Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Gods and Goddesses of England and the Kitchen Witch books. Time: 9am. Free.

Wednesday 31 January (and other dates); Tea with a Medium. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 2.30pm. Tickets: £55.

Wednesday 31 January (and other dates); Witches and Witchcraft History - Pay What You Can Walking Tour by Wonders of London. Meet outside the exit of Tower Hill Station by Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill Station, London EC3N 1JL. Time: 6pm  Tickets by donation

Wednesday 31 January; Celebrating Imbolc. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £25.

Wednesday 31 January (every Wednesday); Feeling Sound Bath. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Wednesday 31 January; Scrying: Divination Using Crystals, Mirrors, Water and Fire. First part of 2-session online workshop by me, Lucya Starza, via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £75/£55.

Wednesday 31 January (last Wednesday every month); Talk about Paganism at Hertford Pagan Moot. Venue: The White Horse, 33 Castle Street, Hertford. Time: 8pm.

Wednesday 31 January; Most Terrifying Creatures of Slavic Mythology - pt 1. Talk by Lena Heide-Brennand on Zoom through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8.30pm. Tickets · from £6.72.

Thursday 1 February;  Start of Watkins's February Book Sale. Just pop in and browse. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 9-21 Cecil Ct, London WC2N 4EZ. Shop opens 11am.

Thursday 1 February; Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Online event. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 non members.

Thursday 1 February; Imbolc: Visions and Inspiration. Magic is the Key online public ritual hosted by Pipaluk. Starts 5.30pm. Free,

Thursday 1 February; Recognise and Clear Negative Energy. First part of 8-session online workshop by Martha Brett, via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £220.

Thursday 1 February (every Thursday); Talk on a paranormal subject for ASSAP members. Time: 7pm. Free event, with Zoom link details emailed out to members. To join ASSAP, for £5 per year, visit

Thursday 1 February; PF London Imbolc Open Ritual with Ritual in the Tower (Luna Iter) via Pagan Federation London. Venue: Pirate Castle, Gilbey's Wharf Oval Road NW1 7EA London, UK Time: 7.20pm. Entry £8 for PF members, £10 for non-members (cash only).

Thursday 1 February; Author Talk - The First Occult Tarot by Robert Place. Zoom Webinar via Watkins. Time: 5.30pm. Free but reserve a place 

Thursday 1 February; Imbolc Awakening Ceremony with Alexandra De Angelis. Hybrid event via She's Lost Control. In-person venue  42 Valentine Road, London, UK, and via Zoom . Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30/35.

Thursday 1 February; Sacred Manifestation Sound Bath. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £45.

Thursday 1 February; Hags and Crones: The Weird, the Wicked, and the Wise. Talk by Peg Aloi on Zoom through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £6.72.

Thursday 1 February; Online Imbolc Ritual with Cunning Folk. Online event. Time: 10pm. Price: Free.

Friday 2 February; I've been interviewed for The Pagan Portal Podcast by Moon Books. I talk about the Wheel of the Year and my other witchy interests. Time: noon (or listen to recording later). Free event.

Friday 2 February; Mind, Body Restore Online Yoga. Time: 6.15pm. Free online event.

Friday 2 February; Journeying Past Imbolc - Shamanic Drumming. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £30.

Friday 2 February; Online Meditation Session. Time: 7.30pm. Free online event, but donations welcome.

Saturday 3 February;  Imbolc Fire Gathering. Venue: Hackney Herbal Garden, Trowbridge Rd, London E9 5LD. Time: noon. Tickets: tbc

Saturday 3 February;  Creating Visionary Art: A Journey to the Heart Temple. In-person class with Saira Hunjan. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £80.

Saturday 3 February;  London Woodland Witches Imbolc Ceremony with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Queen's Wood, Highgate, North· London. Time: 4pm. Tickets: £7

Sunday 4 February; Ceremony with Goddess Sekhmet for Healing and Transformation. In-person class with Pixie P Carney. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 11am. Tickets: £115.

Sunday 4 February (and other dates); Soul Restore Sound Healing. Venue: The Mandrake, 20-21 Newman Street, London W1T 1PG. Time: 11am. Tickets: £35.

Sunday 4 February; Imbolc Urban Retreat. Venue: Private Studio, Hammersmith, London W6. Time: 11am. Tickets: £66/£88.

Sunday 4 February; Druidic Ritual to celebrate Imbolc, on Primrose Hill with the Loose Association of Druids. Gather in the Hawthorne Grove at Primrose Hill, London, NW1 8YH, at 12.30pm to prepare the site for the ritual at 1pm. Nearest tube: Chalk Farm. Bring a small contribution of food and drink to share.

Sunday 4 February (date tbc); Anderida Gorsedd Imbolc open ritual. Venue: Long Man of Wilmington, Wilmington, near Eastbourne, East Sussex. Meet near the car park between 1.30pm and 2pm, walk up to the chalk hill figure at 2pm. Afterwards, the Giants Rest pub.

Sunday 4 February (first Sunday of the month); Imbolc and Candle Magic with Woodspirits. Venue: Meet at Cheshunt station, Ashridge Interiors, Windmill Lane, Waltham Cross, EN8 9. Time: 2pm. Free in-person event for members of Woodspirits group.

Sunday 4 February; Gong Bath - Sound Meditation in Brockley. Venue: 179 Brockley Road London SE4 2RS. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £25.

Sunday 4 February; Imbolc/Candlemas Celebration with South East London Pagans Moot. Venue: One Tree Hill, London SE23. Time: 6.30pm. Free.

Sunday 4 February; Imbolc Pagan Ceremony with live music. Venue: Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Place, London NW3 1NG. Time: 7pm. Free, but donations welcome.

Sunday 4 February; New Witches Club. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Sunday 4 February; The Beastly Prophet: Aleister Crowley and Thelemic Magick. Talk by Julian Vayne on Zoom through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £6.72.

Sunday, 4 February; The Four Elements : The Magic of Transformation. Start of a a five week journey through the elements with Sorita d'Este and Kay Gillard. Time: 9pm. Tickets: £61.38

Monday 5 February; How to Become a Medium: Foundation. Start of 6-session online course with Jeremy Turner-Welch via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £175.

Monday 5 February (1st Monday each month); Drum Healing. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Monday 5 February; Astrological Chart Discussion (6pm);  The Stability of Golden Section Angles, talk by Lucien Windrich (7pm), Lodge Ritual (8pm) - 3 events on astrology via the Astrological Lodge of London. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Rd, London · NW1 6XT, Tickets £12 per talk or event for non members/ £5 members.

Monday 5 February (every Monday); Tea With a Druid. Free online event by the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Time 8pm.

Monday 5 February (tbc but usually every Monday); Crimson Circles. Livestream by Halo Quin, author of Crimson Craft. Time: 8pm. Tickets: various options including Patreon membership.

Tuesday 6 - Thursday 8 February; Swan Maidens. Online Sacred Art Retreat Facilitated by Imelda Almqvist, author of books on shamanic art. Time: 3-5 pm and 7.30 - 9.30 pm. Tickets: £210.

Tuesday 6 February; SLC Astro Club - Aquarius. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Tuesday 6 February; Sacred Sound Healing. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35.

Tuesday 6 February (first Tuesday each month); Talk on The Age of Aquarius at Romford Pagan Moot. Venue: The Golden Lion, 2 High Street, Romford. Time: 7.30pm. Entry £4.

Tuesday 6 February (tbc but usually first Tuesday each month);  The Witches' Inn Moot. Venue: Halt and Pull pub, Horley. Time: 8pm. Free event.

Tuesday 6 February; Folk Fatales: women in morris dancing, past and present! Talk by Lucy Wright on Zoom through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £6.72.

Wednesday, 7 February (every Wednesday); Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Gods and Goddesses of England and the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.

Wednesday, 7 February; Riddles of Humanity - Conversation Group. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Rd, London · NW1 6XT. Time: 2pm. Tickets £3

Wednesday, 7 February; Past Life Healing. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £29.

Wednesday, 7 February; The Divinatory Art of Geomancy: An Introduction. Start of 8-session online course with Paul Wood via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £220.

Wednesday, 7 February;  A Witch’s Tools - The Blessed Pentacle. Workshop with Hannah Sanders via Treadwells Online. Time: 7pm start, delayed viewing available. Tickets: £10.

Wednesday, 7 February; Learn to Read Tarot. Start of four-week course in store course with Delphine Leblanc Venue: Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury London, WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm. Cost: £120. or reserve a place by visiting the shop.

Wednesday, 7 February (and other dates); Tibetan Sound Bowl Meditation - online meditation class with Spiritual Tiik. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets from £11.11. 

Wednesday, 7 February (usually first Wednesday of the month); Drumming and Meditation online with Taz Thornton. Time: 7pm Price: free.

Wednesday, 7 February; Wired for Mythology: How Stories Live in our Nervous Systems. Online talk by Melanie Weller hosted by the Scientific and Medical Network. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £11.99.

Wednesday, 7 February; History and Practice of Geomancy 2: The Sixteen Figures. Talk by Prof Al Cummins on Zoom through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £6.72.

Thursday 8 February; Practical Zen Yoga with Daizan Julian Skinner. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 9-21 Cecil Ct, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 5.30pm. Free but reserve a place

Thursday 8 February; The Druid Order of Stonehenge public meetings (talk and meditation). Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, The Conference room, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT. (future dates 22 Feb, 7 March, 4 April) Time: 6.45pm-9pm. Cost £5 toward cost of room hire. Just turn up.

Thursday 8 February; The Motherwitch Ritual online via She's Lost Control. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £12.

Thursday 8 February;  Queer as Folklore – a Zoom talk with Sacha Coward through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.49.

Thursday 8 February; Calendars. Talk at South East London Folklore Society. Venue: The Electric Elephant Cafe, 186A Crampton Street, London, SE17 3AE. Time: 8pm, Free but £5/£8 donations welcome.  Turn up on the night or email to book a space.

Friday 9 February; New Moon Sound Bath and Meditation with Spiritual Tiik London. Free online event. Time: 6.30pm.

Friday 9 February; Ithell Colquhoun's Occult Secrets.  Amy Hale Soiree. Her new book is Sex Magic: Ithell Colquhoun's Diagrams of Love. Venue: Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury London, WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm. Cost: £10/£25 (with book). or reserve a place by visiting the shop.

Friday 9 February; Moon Space Online Moon Coven with She's Lost Control. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Friday 9 February; Helen Duncan – The Last Witch Hunt. A Talk with Gary Wright. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £15.

Friday 9 February; New Moon in Aquarius Tarot and Sound Healing. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £35.

Friday 9 February; London Witches Walking Tour with Maria Beadell's organised by Treadwell's Bookshop. Meet outside Farringdon tube Station, London EC1M 6BY. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £18.50.

Saturday 10 February; Kabbalah: Walking Paths of Peace or How to live lightly and peacefully in an increasingly-divided world with Maggy Whitehouse. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 11am. Tickets: £50.

Saturday 10 February; Heart Chakra Healing - Retreat Day - Welcoming Self Love by Emma Hewitt of Salamay Tarot and Healing Arts. Venue: The Quiet View, 146 The Street, Kingston CT4 6JQ. Time: 11am. Tickets  £60.

Saturday 10 February; Make an Intuitive Clay Sculpture for Your Altar. In-person class with Nicole Frobusch. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 1pm Tickets: £80.

Saturday 10 February; Decoding the Pentagram Rituals: Historical and Practical Insights. In-person class with Marco Visconti. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB. Time: 1pm Tickets: £80.

Saturday 10 February; Astro Herbalism Introduction. Venue: Fire and Alchemy Spiritual Sanctuary, 52 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3EP. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £35.

Saturday 10 February; Candle Magic 1-day class. Venue: Wicca Moon, 50 Well Hall Road, London, SE9 6SH. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £40.

Saturday 10 February; The Everyday Psychic. Online class with Jeremy Turner-Welch via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 2pm. Tickets: £80.

Saturday 10 February; Kitchen Witch Online Self Love Ritual with Rachel Patterson. Time: 7pm. Free. Participants will need to bring a little oil such as sunflower oil

Saturday 10 - Sunday 11 February; "Return to the Mother - Rethinking Our Connection with Our Planet and the Divine Feminine". Free online presentation by Frances Billinghurst (time tbc depending on your time zone) 

Sunday 11 February; Orpington Alternative Market. Venue: Priory Gardens, Church Hill, Orpington BR6 0HH. Time: tbc but probably starts 11am. Free to enter.

Sunday 11 February; Mediumship Made Perfect. Online class with Anthony Kesner via The College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am. Tickets: £105.

Sunday 11 February; Love Stoned with Tamara Driessen. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London. Time: 1.30pm. Tickets: £55-£45.

Sunday 11 February; The Valentine's Love Seance - Online with Medium Patti Negri through The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Last Tuesday Society. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £26.43.

For events after 11 February 2024 please visit my events page

Notes:I am not responsible for the content of these events except my own talk. I don't always know about changes or cancellations to events I don't run - tbc means to be confirmed. Contact event organisers directly if you have questions. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice. If you know an online or London-based event you want included, please email  I earn commission from advertisers for some links. 

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