Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Rounding the Year: Snowdrops Finally Flowering

The snowdrops are out at last in my garden, as you can see in the photo I took just yesterday. Although they usually bloom close to Imbolc in London where I live, it can vary from a week or so before to a week or so later. It depends on the weather, which is one of the reasons the standard modern Pagan Wheel of the Year festivals are only a rough guide to what's happening in nature.

Last week I shared a photo of the snowdrops just beginning to bud, and I started prompts to share seasonal pictures, art, crafts, words and other creativity. I'll continue this over the months ahead, inspired by my book, Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year. I'd love to encourage readers to record what's happening in nature in various ways including photographs, journalling, drawing or painting and crafting.

Here are ways to share the things you're doing or what you see out and about as the wheel turns:

  • Leave a comment on this post about what you're up to
  • Find my prompts to share on my Facebook Page: Lucya Starza Pagan Portals Author
  • Share on Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) with the tag #RoundingtheYear

My book offers more suggestions of ways to acknowledge the Wheel of the Year and celebrate the seasons in ritual, magic, folklore and nature. You can find it at estoeric bookshops and via my publisher Moon Books: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/moon-books/our-books/pagan-portals-rounding-wheel-year


mxtodis123 said...

NOthing much changes here in my life. I've become a creature of habit. I am so looking forward to spring this year. Winter has been gray, dreary and wet, but thankfully not much snow and ice.

Badwitch said...

I become a creature of habit in the cold months too and I agree winter has been dreary and I'm also looking forward to spring!