Friday, 1 November 2024

Rounding the Year: Autumn Colours in my Local Park

The Wheel of the Year turns and we are in November. Leaves are changing colour on deciduous trees and falling fast. Soon, branches will be bare, but we have a little time left to enjoy the splendours of their autumn display.

This is a photo of one of my favourite trees in my local park. It is a sweet gum tree, named because it produces a sweetish resin. They are native to the eastern parts of the USA but this one seems to do quite well in south London. At this time of year the leaves turn from green to yellow, gold, red and purple. 

Magically, the tree symbolises both endurance and the ability to adapt. These are qualities I think we could all benefit from as the nights get longer and the weather colder. If you see one of these beautiful trees spend a little while enjoying its beauty. If you want, ask permission to take a fallen leaf for an autumn altar. Use it in spells for resilience.

Sharing seasonal photos

Inspired by ideas in my book Rounding the Wheel of the Year, I've sharing seasonal pictures, art, crafts, words and other creativity. I'd love to encourage readers to record what's happening in nature in various ways including photographs, journalling, drawing or painting and crafting. 

Here are ways to share the things you're doing or what you see out and about as the wheel turns:

  • Leave a comment on this post about what you're up to
  • Find my prompts to share on my Facebook Page: Lucya Starza Pagan Portals Author
  • Share on Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) with the tag #RoundingtheYear

Where to find my books

You can order both the ebook and the paperback of all my books from publisher Moon Books' website as well as view Pagan Portals - Rounding the Wheel of the Year on Amazon. 

(Notes: I earn commission from advertisers for some links.)

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