Monday, 3 December 2007

Talk on Aleister Crowley

This Wednesday, 5 December, is the anniversary of Aleister Crowley's cremation and The Moot With No Name will be hosting a talk on the legacy of the self-styled Great Beast 666.

Aleister Crowley died 60 years ago and Geraldine Beskin of Atlantis Bookshop will be giving some readings and showing some rare images of the 2oth Century's most infamous magician at The Devereux pub.

The talk, entitled Riddling the Ashes, starts at 7.30pm.

The Devereux is at 20 Devereux Court, off Essex St, London WC2. For a map of how to get there visit:

For more details:


Professor Humperdink III said...

There are some pencil sketches on this page, and the few pages that precede it, on the subject of alchemy and magic, that you might be interested in. (The drawings on the first page, for example, are of Buer, Bael, Forcas, Behemoth and Astaroth, by Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal, Paris 1863).

Badwitch said...

Those are fascinating pictures on your blog. Thanks for sending the link.