Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Pagan Federation Imbolc ritual

With Imbolc - the festival celebrating the first signs of spring - on February 2, The Pagan Federation in London is holding an open ritual on Thursday evening.

Imbolc was originally dedicated to the Gaelic goddess Brigid. in Christian times it was adopted as St Brigid's Day.

The Goddess Group, part of Fellowship of Isis, will be performing the open ritual to honour The Bride of Spring as the wheel of the year turns from the dark nights of winter towards the lighter days ahead.

If you are attending you should bring some food and drink to share and also contemplate what you would like in the year ahead and phrase it in a positive way, such as "I will get a better job" or "I will be healthier."

The PFL Imbolc open ritual is on Thursday 31 January at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn. It starts at 8pm. Entrance is £5 for non-PF members, £4 for members.

For more information, visit http://www.pflondon.org/

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