Monday, 19 May 2008

Photos of fox cubs

I have finally managed to photograph the fox cubs that were born and raised in the den at the end of my garden.

Early this evening I saw the mother fox playing on my lawn with a cub. I rushed to get my camera but, by the time I had got it ready, the vixen and cub had retreated to the den.

I waited patiently at an upstairs window, but didn't really expect to see them again today. This mother is so protective of her offspring that she retreats to safety as soon as she thinks she is watched.

Then I saw her lead the cub out of the den once more. A few moments later, I saw a second cub appear through a gap in the fence from next door's garden. I managed to get photos of both cubs, as well as photographing the mother in one of the pictures.

The cubs are quite large, over half the size of the mother, but they are definitely cubs and seem eager to explore their new world.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would you expect cubs to be visibly smaller than adult foxes at this point in the year? I ask, having seen two foxes in my garden this lunchtime at the same time -- I'm guessing they must be either a pair or a vixen and her cub, as I can't imagine that two unrelated and unmated adult foxes would show up in a garden otherwise.

Badwitch said...

I think you are right, although sometimes one of the previous year's girl cubs stays around to help out with the next litter. Certainly the cubs in my garden are nearly as large as mum - although you can notice the difference when they are right next to each other.

Anonymous said...

I may have to post photos and see what the hive mind thinks. One of them MIGHT have been a bit smaller, but it'd be a really tough call...