Sunday, 27 July 2008

Pagan events and Lammas festivals

Sunday 27 July; Green Man Festival. Festival with music, dancing ritual and stalls at The Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6BB. Tickets £2.50 on the door. From 10:30am. Visit:

Thursday 31 July, Pagan Federation London Lammas (Druid) Ritual. Open ritual by Jay the Taylor and friends of Pagan Pathfinders at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn. 8pm start. Entrance £5, £4 for PF members. Please bring seasonal food & drinks to share with others at the feasting-social after the ritual. Visit:

Thursday 31 July; Flapdoodle! - Madame Blavatsky Introduced and Celebrated by Christina Oakley Harrington & Treadwell's Friends. Short talks and readings at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets £5 in advance, booking essential. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:

Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 August; Eastbourne Lammas Festival. Music, dance, carnival and workshops on Eastbourne seafront. Western Lawns, Eastbourne Seafront West, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4EE. Free. Tel: 01323 737808.

8th, 9th and 10th of August, The Artemis Gathering. Festival in 40 acres of beautiful countryside in Oxfordshire. The event features ecological and environmental charities, a medieval encampment, a bar, cafe, fire pit and wandering performers. The main entertainment will be music by the Dolmen, Damh the Bard and Richie Hudson, with an alternative club featuring the Witching Hour DJ Swedish. The event is selling out fast, so it is advisable to book quickly at

Sunday 17th August, Goddess Parade & Festival in Canterbury. The parade will assemble at 10am at The Whitefriars Shopping Centre and will process down the High Street alongside The Pentacle Drummers, giants, Morris dancers, faeries and musicians to The Westgate Hall, where the day will continue with The Goddess Festival. The parade is a free event. For more information, visit

If you know of any pagan events and want them listed on A Bad Witch's Blog, email me via my blog or leave a comment below.

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