Monday, 15 February 2010

Pagan events, festivals and lectures

For details of future events visit my events page at, but here are this week's events of interest to pagans in London and other parts of England:

Now until 21 March; The Dark Monarch. Art exhibition named after an infamous 1962 book entitled The Dark Monarch: A Portrait from Within by Sven Berlin. It explores how folklore, mysticism, mythology and the occult have influenced British art in the past 100 years. Venue: The Towner Art Gallery, Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ. It is open Tuesday - Sunday from 10am - 6pm. For more details, call: 01323 434660 or visit the website

Monday 15 February; De Sacrificio: On Sacrifice. Lecture by Stuart Littlejohn at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Entry £7, advance booking necessary. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:

Monday 15 February; The Evidence for Yetis. Talk by Adrian Hyde at pagan forum Secret Chiefs at its new regular meeting time of every other Monday. Venue: Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2R 3JJ. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8.30pm. Admission £2.

Tuesday 16 February; Why Kindness is Good for You. Lecture by David Hamilton, author of the book of the same name, at The College of Psychic Studies 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm. Cost: £5/£8. Advance booking necessary.

Wednesday 17 February; A Walk Across China. Talk by Gary Dickinson about Aleister Crowley in China at The Moot With No Name. Venue: Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2R 3JJ. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8pm. Admission £2. For more details, call Atlantis Bookshop on 020 7405 2120.

Thursday 18 February; CoA Imbolg Open Ritual, organised by The Children of Artemis. Venue: The Dog, and Bull pub, Surrey St, Croydon. Surrey. Time: 8pm start. Tickets cost £2 for CoA members and £5 for non-members. For more details, call 0870 442 290 or visit the website

Thursday 18 February; Cinema of the Occult: Lovecraft’s Ancient Cinema. Last of four fortnightly evenings of rare film with theoretical critiques by Patricia MacCormack, reader in Communication and Film at Anglia Ruskin University at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7.15 for 7.30pm start. Entry £10, booking essential. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:

If you know of any pagan events and want them listed on A Bad Witch's Blog, email me at or leave a comment below.

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