Tuesday 22 June 2010

Football, birds and lucky underpants

The reason the England football team failed to score a goal in their World Cup match against Algeria is because a witch doctor protected the Algerian team's goal with a spell sent by pigeon post, according to sports website sify.com

The website said that African medicine men often spells using birds as carriers, and the pigeon seen perched on the Algerian goal for much of the match last Friday was one such example.

We certainly didn't manage to get one into the net that game.

And judging by England goalkeeper Robert Green's fumble of the ball that allowed the USA to equalise in the previous Saturday’s 1-1 draw, I think the England team could do with a lucky pigeon in their goal too.

Or perhaps England fans could use a bit of traditional English football magic, and wear their lucky underpants when England play Slovenia on Wednesday. I know I'll be wearing mine :)


The England FA 2010 World Cup - Come On England! - Maxi Poster - 61 cm x 91.5 cmpictured above is available on Amazon.

1 comment:

Gordon said...

This has totally made my morning.

Capello, once again demonstrating his inflexibility, obviously didn't take a druid with him to south africa.