Monday, 16 August 2010

Pagan events in and near London

For details of future events visit my events page at, but here are this week's events of interest to pagans in London and other parts of the UK:

Monday 16 August; Self-healing techniques for everyone. Talk by Philena Bruce at pagan forum Secret Chiefs at its regular meeting time of every other Monday. Venue: Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2R 3JJ. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8.30pm. Admission £2.

Monday 16 August; Witches, Wizards and Warlocks: The London of Medieval and Later Magic. A Guided Walk with Delianne. This walk is organised by Treadwell's but does not start at the shop. Meet at Westminster Tube Station, Exit Four. The tour guide will be holding a sign. Price: £7 in advance through Treadwell's. Time: 6.50pm for 7pm start. To book tickets, Call 020 7240 8906 or email

Wednesday 18 August; Terry Welbourn – TC Lethbridge, Dowser. Talk at The Moot with No Name, upstairs at the Devereux Public House, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, The Strand, London WC2R 3JJ. Price £5. Time 7.30pm.

Wednesday 18 August; It's a Right Royal Brew: It's the Middle Ages and the Devil's Afoot in London. A Guided Walk with Delianne. This walk is organised by Treadwell's but does not start at the shop. Meet at Westminster Tube Station, Exit Four. The tour guide will be holding a sign. Price: £7 in advance through Treadwell's. Time: 6.50pm for 7pm start. To book tickets, Call 020 7240 8906 or email

Saturday, 21 August; Foundations of Tarot: A Journey through the Major Arcana. One-day workshop, which will be the first of two workshops teaching the Tarot, run by Hilde and Cilla, The second workshop will be on the minor arcana. Venue: Atlantis Bookshop, Museum Street, London WC1. Time: 11am - 5.30pm. Cost is £50 per workshop. To book phone Atlantis Bookshop (020 7405 2120), Cilla (07949 766634)or Hilde (07768377646, or email, or

If you know of any pagan events and want them listed on A Bad Witch's Blog, email me at or leave a comment below.

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