Friday, 24 September 2010

More pagan news...

Russia's witches face advert ban
Witches, faith healers and other spellcasters in Russia are to be banned from advertising. This is due to concerns that they are giving false hope to sufferers of illnesses such as cancer.

Lord Mayor to visit pagan conference
Leeds's Lord Mayor, Coun Jim McKenna and his wife Andrea are intending to visit the Pagan Federation North East's annual conference this Saturday. Jim McKenna was quick to point out that he is not a pagan and has never attended a pagan event before. If you want to go, the conference takes place this Saturday, 25 September, from 10am to 10pm at Blackburn Hall, Rothwell, Leeds LS26 0AW.

Pagan obituary
Influential American pagan Candace H Lehrman White, also known as Lady Sintana, has died at the age of 73. You can read a moving obituary for her at:

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