Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Words for the Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

We stand at the equinox,
In the midst of autumn.
Dark and light are in balance,
Day and night are of equal length.
Summer lies behind us and winter before us;
It is time to take stock of our year's harvest,
To celebrate and give thanks for what we have reaped;
And to weigh up what we will need for harsh times to come.
A time of joy and sadness in equal measure
Of golden memories, sweet as ripe fruit plucked from the orchard
And silver tears, bitter as the tang of fallen leaves on frost-rimed earth.
A moment to cherish,
Like the last dance at the end of the party;
Like the last kiss before saying farewell.

Words by The Bad Witch, Mabon 2010


Antony said...

I like them words bad witch.

Thanks for sharing.

A x

Rhiannon said...

A beautiful ode to my favorite time on the wheel :)
Mabon Blessings