Wednesday 3 November 2010

Petitions to save our forests and herbs

Our ancient forests and traditional herbal remedies are under threat and we need to act now if we are to save them.

The EU has passed a directive, which comes into full force in April 2011, that will effectively ban most herbal and mineral supplements.

In a separate move, the British government wants to sell off our ancient forests to private developers.

Many pagans feel passionately about the need to preserve our rights to use herbal remedies if we choose to, and to be able to obtain them easily. Most pagans also regard our forests as sacred places and do not want them turned into holiday parks or golf courses or chopped down for timber.

Petitions against both of these schemes have been circulating for some time already, and you may have already signed them, but it isn't too late to sign them now if you have not already done so.

You can find out more about the threats to our herbs and forests here:

You can sign petitions against the plans here:

To make sure as many people sign these petitions as possible, please forward these details and links to others you think may be interested.

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