Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Getting Robed: Part 2

When I said I wanted a new robe to wear to rituals as a Yule present, my partner obviously had a slightly different idea of what the perfect ritual robe should look like. He suggested one like those in the picture to the right

It is called a Space Rug. It is made of fleece blanket material, comes in black, white or brown and is intended as a dressing gown - although it looks just like the kind of thing a Jedi Knight might wear.
Actually, I think it is quite cool - as a dressing gown. But my search for a drop-dead-gorgeous robe that I won't feel embarrassed wearing to pagan rituals continues.

Also, thanks very much to Aelwyn, who sent me a message saying: "Heya...not to just pimp my friend, but check out Mackellar's Haven at their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hamilton-ON/MacKellars-Haven-Quality-Costuming-and-Garb/8633705961

I've had a look and Mackellar's Haven certainly makes some lovely items of costume, but I couldn't see any ritual robes on the site. To be honest, there seems to be something of a lack of ritual robes around. Most of what I see are actually gothic dresses or very plain, basic robes that don't excite me that much.

As before, I'd welcome links to shops that do sell them.



IanC said...

Try GarbtheWorld.com - they sell several styles of liturgical robe and wizard robes.

Antares said...

Stagman creations x

Badwitch said...

IanC and Antares - Thanks very much for suggesting those two shops, they both look like they have some lovely robes!

Antony said...

Hi Badwitch,

I'm having the same problem looking for a good, decent robe.

I've thought about making my own and there's some interesting videos on youtube, so I;m going to look into it.

A x