Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Learning Tarot in London

Before Yule, I was sent a question about good Tarot courses in London and also asking for suggestions for books on Tarot.

Tarot reader Paula emailed me a reply with recommendations for both. She said: "I unreservedly recommend my old Tarot teacher, Debbie Winterbourne. The Link is: She runs tarot and dreaming courses from her Academy of Dreams near Euston Station, in London."

Looking at the website, it seems Debbie runs courses on Tarot at beginner, intermediate and master levels and also runs online courses. The beginner course costs £130 for four evenings.

Paula added: "My favourite beginner's tarot book is The Complete Book of Tarotby Juliet Sharman-Burke. The original, based on the Rider Waite deck, is out of print, but she did a new versionsome years ago based on her own deck."

The Complete Book of Tarot is available secondhand through Amazon quite cheaply, although new copies are hard to find. Juliet's later book, The New Complete Book of Tarot,was published in 2007 and is available through Amazon.

I would add that I have a copy of Juliet's first book on my own bookshelf and agree that it is well written and easy to learn from.

1 comment:

Traci Johnson said...

You should check out thats how I got started doing readings from home. Best part is its free and didnt need certification