Saturday, 4 December 2010

Pagan Eye: Setting sun through bare trees

Yesterday, just before 4pm, after days of relentless snow, ice, fog and grey skies, the sun peeped through the clouds just as it was setting. I captured this photo of it through the bare trees over the road from my house.

It might not look that exciting in the photo, but it at that moment it was one of the most welcome sights I could have seen so I decided to use it as a Pagan Eye post.

On each Pagan Eye post, I show a photo that I find interesting, with a few words about it. I'm not quite sure what I'll be including - it could be a seasonal image, a pagan site, an event, or just a pretty picture.

If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself and you must confirm that you are submitting it for A Bad Witch's Blog.

Previous Pagan Eye posts:

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