I'm a bit superstitious about mugs. As well as getting sentimentally attached to certain mugs, I also feel that they can bring me luck - or at least make me feel more cheerful when I am drinking out of them.
Owls, being a symbol of wisdom, could help me when writing my blog, I thought as I popped the set of crockery into my trolley in Tesco while doing my weekly shop.
My previous favourite mug - the one I broke earlier - had a cheerful ginger cat on it (see picture below). It was one of a pair bought for me and my partner as a gift just after we got our two ginger kittens many years ago. You can see them in the picture at the top, as they were when they were kittens.
My previous favourite mug - the one I broke earlier - had a cheerful ginger cat on it (see picture below). It was one of a pair bought for me and my partner as a gift just after we got our two ginger kittens many years ago. You can see them in the picture at the top, as they were when they were kittens.
When I broke the mug, I had a moment's worry that I might mean one of my real ginger cats was going to have an accident. But my fears where unfounded. Nothing bad has happened to my moggies - they seem happy and healthy as ever. I'm also sure my broken owl mug won't mean I suddenly get writer's block and find myself at a loss for what to post on A Bad Witch's Blog.
What these breakages are is just a reminder that nothing lasts forever and that material possessions are not as important as our friends, family, loved ones and beloved pets. Relationships are what really need treasuring; a set of mugs can be replaced.
The picture of the set of four Tesco owl mugs was sent to me by Jo Offord, a kind PR person. The set is available in store for £6, I have been asked to mention.
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And, if I'm feeling particularly industrious, I might even recycle those broken mugs into a mosaic-covered flower pot: http://www.ehow.com/how_4507174_recycle-broken-china-mosaic-pots.html
The picture of the set of four Tesco owl mugs was sent to me by Jo Offord, a kind PR person. The set is available in store for £6, I have been asked to mention.
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Love this post - I had a similar thought today hearing Aung San Suu Kyi's Leith Lecture. Your cats are
beautiful too.
I love this post, especially - "Relationships are what really need treasuring; a set of mugs can be replaced." :)
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