Monday 26 December 2011

Yule gifts and a happy holiday

I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day/Feast of Frau Holle/winter break yesterday - whatever you call the festive holiday and whatever you were doing.

For me it was a slightly sad time because my mum passed away earlier this year and I still miss her. However, I spent the day with my partner and his mum, dad, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew. We ate and drank too much, played a new version of Monopoly,tried out the Kinect Adventures on the Xbox 360and did the kind of fun stuff that families do together at this time of year.

I also got some wonderful witchy presents, some of which you can see in the picture above, including a bottle of mulled wine called Witches' Delight, a bottle of mead, a box of chocolates, the Earth Pathways Diary, the Witches' Calendar 2012, a black scrying mirror and a black velvet dressing gown from Marks and Spencer that I think would double quite well as a ritual robe.

Today is Boxing Day and I'm going to be visiting friends and making merry!

Happy Holidays!

Links and previous related posts:
Xbox 360 250GB Console with Kinect Sensor: Includes Kinect Adventures
Monopoly Electronic Banking Edition (London UK)

1 comment:

MewlKitten said...

I got the same calender. It has become a tradition that my partner gets me that calender each year. It's something I really look forward to. I am sorry about your mother's passing. This holiday season has been sad and hard for us at my house too. My partner's grandmother passed away 2 days after Thanksgiving, and there has been many tears. Blessed Be to you are your loved ones