Monday, 6 February 2012

Television: Britain's Wicca Man

Britain's Wicca Man - (C) Matchlight from Matchlight on Vimeo.

This video is a trailer for a documentary called Britain's Wicca Man, which is due to be shown on Channel 4 on February 20 and tells the story of Wicca and its founder, Gerald Gardner. The trailer is narrated by Professor Ronald Hutton and has a a short interview with Philip Heselton, author of Witchfather: Into the Witch Cult Volume 1: A Life of Gerald Gardner.

This is a programme not to be missed!

Links and previous related posts


Maikiro said...

Hey Bad Witch,
Can you confirm this as cannot find on any TV listings.



Badwitch said...

That was the date given in posts on a few other pagan forums, but I must say I haven't actually seen an official TV listing for it.

Carole said...

Sorrry but its not on that date - date still ha t be confirmed.

Badwitch said...

Carole - thanks very much for letting me know that the programme still hasn't been scheduled. Seems the early rumours were wrong. If anyone does know more about the programme's actual date, do tell.