Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Blogging from Cornwall

I've been in Cornwall for a couple of days now on holiday and have been really enjoying myself - going for walks on Bodmin Moor, drinking scrumpy in country pubs and getting lost down country lanes.

However, I've struggled to get a good enough internet connection to blog until now. Today, I decided to come to Boscastle to visit the Museum of Witchcraft, but am currently taking shelter from the rain in a pub called The Cobweb Inn, which serves great beer and has free Wi-Fi. You can see the pub in the photo above.

I'll blog more over the next few days, but only when I can get internet access again.

1 comment:

Stormkhan said...

Looks nice; bit like the old meadery at Hayle. I've not been to Cornwall for years. *sigh*