Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Pagan Eye: Feeding the Birds on the Pond

Sunday was so lovely and sunny I suggested to my hubby that we went to feed the ducks on the pond in our local park. It seemed a flock of visiting black-headed gulls were just as eager to snatch a meal as the pigeons, coots, mallards and geese, as you can see in this photo.

On each Pagan Eye post, I show a photo that I find interesting, with a few words about it. I'm not quite sure what I'll be including - it could be a seasonal image, a pagan site, an event, or just a pretty picture.

If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to badwitch1234@gmail.com Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself and you must confirm that you are submitting it for A Bad Witch's Blog.

Links and previous related posts:
RSPB Pocket Guide to British Birds

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