Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Online Event: Hay House World Summit

Hay House is putting on its first Global Online World Summit from June 1- to June 10, which is a free event that you can take part in wherever you can connect to the internet.

The Hay House World Summit will offer free access to more than 100 hours of conversations with Mind Body Spirit teachers via the Hay House website. The summit promises a wide range of topics providing insight and practical advice designed to appeal to Hay House readers and anyone interested in spiritual and personal development topics. Speakers include Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue and Deeprak Chopra and over a hundred other well-known authors and MBS celebrities.

The programme will be available in three languages: English, German, and Spanish!

You can sign up now, for free, here:

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Anonymous said...

I am a solitary practicing wicca in middle Tennessee. I use an old tarot deck of Aleister Crowley's. I use his spells and his theories. I have many questions concerning some different spell work. I'm interested in talking to a practicing wiccan with more experience than. I been practicing since 1990. Thank you charityungrateful@ thank you and blessings

Badwitch said...

Hi charityungrateful, I am happy to answer any specific questions if I can. What is it you particularly want to know? However, I should point out that I am a Gardnerian Wiccan rather than a Thelemite, so if your questions are about Crowley's systems I'm not really the best person to ask. BB