Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Review: Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch

If the word ‘grimoire’ makes you think of a book of dark rites to perform, maybe involving conjuring up the devil, think again. The Grimoire of a Kitchen Witchis more a book of brilliant spells you could do, maybe while conjuring up the odd cake.

Actually, Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch is a lot more than just a book of spells. It is really a complete handbook of witchcraft and magic, but with an emphasis on things that can be done in the kitchen or at least while sitting at your kitchen table. If you are a complete beginner looking for a big book on how to do magic, then this will serve you very well. If you are an experienced witch wanting to widen your expertise, you are bound to find something new to try out in this nearly 300-page tome.

Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch starts with the basics – explaining what a witch is: “...someone who is in tune with the Earth, with the changing of the seasons, someone who connects with the elements and works with all the energies around them.” As a kitchen witch, author Rachel Patterson says that her magic is centred around her home and garden, while the big oak kitchen table “is where everyone ends up sitting with cups of tea and slices of cake…”

Rachel goes on to describe the importance of her kitchen when creating sacred space for doing magic. For her, that room is the heart of the home and also the place where most of her magical tools are kept – from herbs hanging to dry, to knives to cut them, to bottles and jars for potions, to the cooker for stirring up a bubbling brew and even the freezer for some chilled-out enchantments.

Those new to witchcraft can learn how to raise energy, how to celebrate the seasonal Wheel of the Year and work with the phases of the moon as well how to use herbs and crystals. The book then moves on to explaining how to work with animal spirit guides, fairy magic, astral travel and even a bit of hoodoo. As you would expect, it includes a large selection of spells as well as recipes for potions, oils, incense, candles and witch bottles. Thrown into the mix are numerous guided visualisations and projects for things to do and make over the seasons.

Rachel’s enthusiasm for kitchen witchcraft shines through the entire book. As you read it, you feel you might just be sitting at Rachel’s kitchen table with her as she tells you the secrets of her spellcraft and magic.

As publisher Moon Books says on its website, Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch is: "A personal and all encompassing guide to what it is to be a Witch, how to live and work within the Craft... essentially a Book of Shadows."

Rachel Patterson is also the author of Pagan Portals - Kitchen Witchcraft

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