Wednesday 13 November 2013

From Enchanted Woods to the Dark City

Two links to help you explore mysterious places:

First, The Woodland Trust has put together a list of 10 enchanted forests to discover - where you might perhaps find fairies. The site also suggests some things for kids to do, like making a woodland potion or casting a spell. Very witchy.

For the less witchy, and for those without kids to entertain, there are also more mature activities such as autumnal walks.

Second, Henry Eliot from Curiocity is leading a series of six walks through the shadowy streets of London at night, organised with City Lit. Each walk is themed around a different aspect of nocturnal London, including an urban animal safari, London’s boozers, Dark Dickens and a chance to stage a candle-lit vigil and cultivate cheese-inspired dreams. You can find out more, and book places here:

Links and previous related posts:
Exploring Woodland - Southeast England

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