Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Review: Curiocity D - London Dissected

Curiocity, for those who haven't already heard about it, is little publication about unusual things you can find in London. Each issue has a map of the city with a different theme based on a letter of the alphabet - but unlike the familiar A-Z guides to London's streets, Curiocity features the weird and wonderful rather than the mundane.

The new issue of Curiocity  - letter D - is now on sale, and the theme is London Dissected. This issue features a central map by award-winning illustrator Nicole Mollett, showing London as a human body laid open with the Thames as its gastrointestinal tract.

It might sound a little ghoulish, but it is really quite fascinating. In it you can find out where historical surgeons cut open human bodies in anatomy schools and delve into the bowels of London with a walk down Fleet Street, a trip to "Farting" Lane or a visit to the Crossness Pumping Station that for many years helped shift the capital's sewage.

Rather like a Time Lord, London has two hearts according to Curiocity. One is St Paul's Cathedral on Ludgate Hill, which legend links to an ancient lunar temple of Diana, the second is Westminster Abbey, associated with the sun and Apollo.

Getting physical, you can find out if you are strong enough to lift a gold bar at the Bank of England, the best place for sunbathing, or a good greasy spoon cafe for a slap-up full English breakfast.

You can order a copy of Curiocity D and previous issues here: http://www.curiocity.org.uk/buy-online/

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