Just last week I had two such pleas. The first asked: "I was wondering if you could help me out because I've lost my iPod on the plane. At first I thought it must have fallen onto the floor, but after the air hostesses and I searched the entire plane after the flight, we weren't able to find it, so they told me that they believe it was stolen. Is there any spell possible for me to retrieve my iPod? I have many emails, account details, photos etc. on my iPod and the iPod was given to me as a gift, so it means alot to me. I would be elated if you could help me out!"
The second said: "I was wondering if you would help me. I seem to have lost my memory card (went missing 2 1/2 weeks ago and I've look all over for it, also my daughter had gotten to a small bag that I've kept memory cards in and now I can't find another different one (this one went missing a couple of months ago). Again I've looked everywhere for them. Is there a spell or something to get them back or reveal to me there locations? The memory cards have pics on them from when I was pregnant and of my daughter from when she was a newborn to maybe 4-5 months and I'm going crazy looking."
The first thing I would say doesn't actually help recover lost data - and isn't magical - but will prevent future loss. That is make sure you back everything up regularly. I'm as guilty as the next person of sometimes failing to do this, but backing up just once a week or once a month will make sure you don't lose years of photos, emails and vital information. Even backing up once a year is better than nothing. Carrying a flash drive around with you on a key ring (such as in the photo above) can be useful for regularly backing up work that you don't want to lose.
Every year March 31 is World Backup Day - the day before April Fools - to remind the world of what many people forget to do. That was obviously a week ago, but do that backup now if you haven't already.
In the case of physically losing a memory card, iPod, tablet or phone there is at least a chance that you will get it back, especially if it was lost in your own home. I strongly recommend dowsing for things that are just misplaced. There are useful tips in my earlier post Spells and Divining to Find Lost Things.
If it was lost outside your home and there's a chance it might have been stolen, then you could adapt my Talisman to Help Recover a Stolen Laptop for other elecronic devices.
But do also contact any lost property office near to where your item went missing. Most airports and railway companies have lost property departments. Police stations also keep records of items that have been handed in.
With a bit of luck, you will get your lost property back, but it certainly couldn't hurt to say a prayer. For Christians, a prayer to Saint Anthony, the saint of lost things, could help. Here's a link to one.
Pagans might prefer to pray to the Roman Goddess Fortuna - otherwise known as Lady Luck and also the Goddess of Justice. Fortuna is often depicted along with the Wheel of Fortune in tarot decks - and is the front cover image for the Renaissance Tarot
I suggest that as well as trying every mundane means to get your lost or stolen property back, ask St Anthony to aid you or Fortuna to smile on you and turn the wheel of fortune in your favour to give you the luck you need.
Renaissance Tarot Deck
Stainless Steel SWIEL METAL USB 2.0 High Speed GLOSS Metal FLASH MEMORY DRIVE DISK STICK PEN Metallic Silver RiccoUSB 01-087 (16GB)
Write (permanent marker, typed label or engrave) your first name and mobile number on the item. As well as in an obvious place also write in a less obvious place - base of a TV, underside of a stereo, inside battery compartment of a laptop.
Take photos of the item/s and record the serial number too. If you keep all this on your laptop, back it up to a portable hard drive AND print out a hard copy whenever you update the list.
These simple precautions will significantly increase the possibility with recovery. Though perhaps not with a 777 aircraft!
Write (permanent marker, typed label or engrave) your first name and mobile number on the item. As well as in an obvious place also write in a less obvious place - base of a TV, underside of a stereo, inside battery compartment of a laptop.
Take photos of the item/s and record the serial number too. If you keep all this on your laptop, back it up to a portable hard drive AND print out a hard copy whenever you update the list.
These simple precautions will significantly increase the chances of recovery. Though perhaps not with a 777 aircraft!
Hi..i need your help to recover my husband's stolen chain..it was stolen by his own mother.inorder to present it to her daughter for a festival.i kept it in our locker.when I was out to work it was stolen. it cost around 1 lakh which my parents gifted him for our wedding.she is blaming me that I have hidden it in order to separate her son from her.my husband is in vein after it is stolen..could you please help me??
Hi..i need your help to recover my husband's stolen chain..it was stolen by his own mother.inorder to present it to her daughter for a festival.i kept it in our locker.when I was out to work it was stolen. it cost around 1 lakh which my parents gifted him for our wedding.she is blaming me that I have hidden it in order to separate her son from her.my husband is in vein after it is stolen..could you please help me??
Harini, Sorry to hear about your husband's stolen chain. I do not run a spellcasting service, but I have published various posts about recovering stolen or lost items. Here is a link: http://www.badwitch.co.uk/2011/04/spells-and-divining-to-find-lost-things.html Good luck!
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