Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Silly Season News: Ghosts, Witches and Scarecrows

"Freelance ghost opportunity": The Donside Piper is reporting about a job vacancy for ghosts to assist the Witch of Girnoc during Ballater Victoria Week 2014: http://www.donsidepiper.co.uk/news/local-headlines/freelance-ghost-opportunity-1-3461156

"Wark: Straw Poll Places Witches First in Inaugural Contest": Hexham Courant reports on three witches winning a scarecrow contest: http://www.hexhamcourant.co.uk/news/wark-straw-poll-places-witches-first-in-inaugural-contest-1.1144448

"Why witches are visiting a Sunderland park": The Gazette spots Macbeth's Weird Sisters at a theme park: http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/what-s-on/theatre-comedy/why-witches-are-visiting-a-sunderland-park-1-6677800

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