Back when my mother was alive, when she was recuperating after a bad fall, I naturally wanted to do all that I could to help her recover - and with me being a witch, that included spells for healing. However, working in an office all day and then visiting her in the hospital every evening meant I had little time for the kind of magic I normally do - at home in peace and quiet.
It seemed I was spending so much time travelling, with a long walk from my office to the station and then the station to the hospital, I came up with this walking spell. The way it works is that you visualise what you want as you walk, imagining each step bringing it closer and closer to you while you silently repeat these words to yourself in your head:
With each step I cast this spellIt was a perfect spell to help my mum recover her own ability to walk, but could be used for pretty much anything you wish for.
May all be right and all be well
The photo above shows my much-loved and very tatty old pair of summer canvas boots. Maybe a little walking magic could wish me up a new pair :)
To see more spells, look at my Spellbook.
I love this idea! I do a lot of hiking, both for fitness and as a spiritual practice, so it has lots of potential for me. Thank you for sharing it.
Yes!! I Absolutely LOVE this Spell!!
Soooo simple, Sooooo basic, Sooo "Positive Affirmation" based!!
I Can't wait to go Walking .. *laughing* .. I'm Soooo EXCITED!!
With all my heart, Thank You for sharing .. and by the way..
I Absolutely ADORE Your Shoes!!! ;) (y)
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