Monday, 1 September 2014

Pre-launch Info: Wicca Initiation By Jill Bruce

Wicca Initiationis an interesting looking book that has just been published by author Jill Bruce in her Secret Knowledge series. Jill sent me a short press release about it before it had its official launch:
Initiation has been employed for millennia as an instrument to enter the Mysteries of your deity. Tribes across the Earth, use it in rituals for maturity, cultural hierarchy and sacred rites.
As a shamanic tradition, Wicca is no exception. It has its roots in the ancient cults of Aradia, Diana, Lucifer and Lilith, and so is connected to this earliest of practises.
Jill Bruce examines its effects on your life, should you decide to enter the remarkable soul group of initiated witches.
Jill is also publishing several other titles along with Wicca Initiation. These include The Aura,Out of The Labyrinthand The Garden Of Eden.You can find out more here:

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