Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Gifts: The Boyer Charming Oracle

If you are stuck for ideas for a gift for a pagan friend, how about this? The Boyer Charming Oracle is a divination tool using 30-60 silver, goldtone and bronze charms. It is a new kind of divination system devised by Janet Boyer, author of Divination: History, Methods and Uses

Janet said: "It's not like any other oracle out there. We've taken 60 different charms and ascribed extensive keywords to each, culling interpretations from our intuition, common associations and pop culture."

I have to say I think the idea is really lovely and I certainly wouldn't mind finding a set in my Yule stocking. The charms come in a velveteen drawstring bag with instructions on how to use them and casting sheets. Janet Boyer is based in the USA, but is happy to ship to other parts of the world including the UK. You can find out more on Janet's website: http://www.janetboyer.com/Boyer-Charming-Oracle.html

Links and previous related posts
Divination: History, Methods and Uses

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