Sunday, 23 August 2015

Occult London: Sigil Art at the Cafe in the Crypt

As I was heading into Central London yesterday for the launch party of The Play Goes On at Treadwell's, I thought I'd also stop off at the Cafe in the Crypt for some supper and also to have a look at pictures that are on display there by a friend of mine, Richard Simpson, who is also chaos magician. You can see his two pictures in the photo to the right.

When Richard mentioned the art on his Facebook page, he said: "They are actually Sigils refined into artworks. Picasso, eat yer heart out."

A sigil is a symbol used in magic, particularly chaos magic. It literally means "seal" and refers to a stylised representation of a magician's desired outcome. The technique was popularised by artist and chaos magician Austin Osman Spare. The forms of sigils are often created by condensing words down into graphic art; they are then empowering by the acts of those looking at them.

Richard added: "I must admit I feel a little guilty about using Chaos Magick in the crypt of this wonderful church but I'm sure Him upstairs will understand."

The picture are great, and I am convinced "Him upstairs" will love them.

Actually, the term "Him upstairs" is particularly pertinent, as the Cafe in the Crypt is - as the name suggests - in the crypt of the church St Martin in the Fields, by Trafalgar Square. You can see the cafe in the photo below. The food is excellent and reasonably priced - and I would have to hand in my old Goth card if I didn't enjoy dining in such an atmospheric place.

Links and previous related posts

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