Saturday 23 April 2016

Secret London: Site of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

As well as being St George's Day, 23 April is Shakespeare Day and a celebration of The Bard. Although no one knows exactly what day the great poet died on, his funeral was on 25 April 1616.

The BBC News website offers a list of places you can visit to get close to Shakespeare. You can find it on this link:

Although it mentions the famous Globe Theatre in Southwark, London, which has been rebuilt. What the article doesn't say is that the actual site of the original Globe was a little bit behind where the modern one stands. You can see a plaque marking the site in the photo above. It is on the wall outside a rather dull looking block of flats called Old Theatre Court, in Park Street, Southwark.

So, if you really want to get close to Shakespeare on his special day, take a stroll around Bankside, visit the Globe, but also explore the back streets near the south side of Southwark Bridge and find where the theatre really stood.

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