Sunday, 22 May 2016

Thanks to My Friends for a Wonderful Birthday!

I celebrated my birthday over the weekend and these lovely candles and holders were just some of the presents I was given.

On Friday evening some friends came round to have drinks and cakes as well as helping me play one of my favourite games - The Witches Boardgame.

On Saturday I did real witchy things with some other pagan friends who had invited me to guest at their beautiful full moon ritual.

On Sunday my hubby took me out and treated me to dinner.

Thanks so much to all my friends, including everyone who left happy birthday messages for me on Facebook. All the presents I was given were lovely, including the candles.

I didn't have time to reply to everyone in person and so I hope this will suffice. Thanks very much and I hope all of your birthdays are wonderful too!

1 comment:

Antony said...

Happy birthday Badwitch! Lovely to read that you had a great birthday. Antony x