Saturday, 9 July 2016

Archaeology: Antikythera Mechanism, Shaman, Events

Two news stories about the Antikythera Mechanism:

"An Ancient Device Too Advanced to Be Real Gives Up Its Secrets at Last" at Big Think:


"Antikythera Mechanism: 2,000-year-old astronomical computer 'was used to predict the future'" = story at International Business Times:

"Archaeologists Unearth Unique 12,000-year-old Galilee Grave of Female Shaman" - story at Haaretz:

"Salisbury Museum's Festival of Archaeology" - news about Salisbury Museum's Festival of Archaeology on 23rd and 24th July, which has a programme of demonstrations, hands on opportunities and talks by archaeologists on everything from DNA to Vikings. Story at Blackmore Vale Magazine:

"Festival of Archaeology to launch this month" - news about a festival of archaeology in Leicester between Saturday July 16 and Sunday July 31. Story at Leicester Mercury:

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