Friday, 12 August 2016

Please Light a Healing Candle for My Cat Pharaoh

Please can I ask people to light a candle and send get well wishes to my cat Pharaoh. He has been given 50/50 chance of surviving by the vet this morning.

Yesterday, when I was getting my things ready for my candle magic workshop at Treadwells, I noticed Pharaoh trying to wee where he shouldn't. That is very unusual as he is normally good about using his litter tray. When I cleaned it up, I discovered that he had passed blood.

I rushed him to the vets where he is being kept in. The vet says he has a blockage in his bladder. He has treated the cat and hoped the bleeding would stop by this morning, but it hasn't. At the moment, he said Pharaoh has an even chance of recovering, but the longer this goes on the less likely that becomes.

So today is really important. I will be doing candle magic and sending healing energy his way - and I would be very grateful if others would do the same.

Thank you in advance.

Previous related post


Unknown said...

When I got Jay he had just been to the vets to have a blockage removed and he had been a very sick cat.That was more than five years ago now and he is a big fat bouncy old man now. 50/50 is half way to healthy. Sending lots of love and good wishes xx

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to Pharaoh (and to you!) - Mel

Badwitch said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this , I hope everything goes well.


Badwitch said...


The Green Bard said...

So sorry to hear of his illness and I hope he recovers!

Badwitch said...

Thank you very much!

mxtodis123 said...

So sorry to hear this. Will light a candle and say a prayer. Sending healing thoughts.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful boy! Sending him lots of love and healing energy.

Lana said...

Lighting a candle and sending healing thoughts his way. <3

Badwitch said...

Thanks to everyone for your help, healing wishes. Sadly Pharaoh passed on in the night. May the candles lit for him guide him safely to the Summerlands.

Vampire Heart said...

So Sorry to read this - safe journey Pharaoh xx