Monday, 12 December 2016

Tales from the Witch Room: Decorating Done

Last month I blogged that I was about to decorate the room that houses all my books on magic and witchcraft stuff. Well, here is a photo of what my witch room looks like now.  Over the past couple of weeks I painted the walls - a colour called Apple White - and gloss painted the picture rail, skirting board, window frames and door. My hubby helped me mend a broken curtain rail and my move all the furniture back into place.

All that's left now is to get the books and other witchy paraphernalia back onto the shelves and then buy a fire for the fireplace. I would love to get the chimney opened up and have a real fire, but I know it would need a lot of work getting it to a safe standard, and the gunk from cleaning the chimney would probably mean I would have to decorate all over again.

I really wanted to get the decorating done by today because this afternoon I have a dental operation. It is only something routine, but I doubt I'll feel up to any heavy work for a few days afterwards and I want to be able to use my witch room by the time of the Winter Solstice, even if the books aren't quite all on the shelves by then.

Previous related post


Anonymous said...

Looks great , I love the widows. Good luck with this afternoon.


Badwitch said...

Well, after I got ready to go to the dental hospital I got a phone call postponing the operation until after Yule. To be honest, I'm quite happy to delay it until the New Year. I'm not actually in pain at the moment, but I am very busy with preparations for the festive season.