Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Help Announce Every Day Magic with a Thunderclap

I've set up a Thunderclap campaign to promote the Moon Books community book I edited - Every Day Magic A Pagan Book of Days. Please could I ask people to help with this by supporting the Thunderclap?

It cost's nothing at all to do this - all you need to do is click on this link and offer to share the promotion on your Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account. If you do that, Thunderclap will share a one-off post about Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days when the book officially launches - November 24. It is easy to do and will really help get the book noticed on social media.

Here is the Thunderclap link in full: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/61034-every-day-magic

Every Day Magic contains contributions from nearly 50 pagan authors and practitioners from many different traditions across the world including Geraldine Beskin, Ellen Evert Hopman, Melusine Draco, Harmonia Saille, Rachel Patterson, Caroline Wise, Elen Sentier and other Moon Books writers. Here is the description from publisher Moon Books' website:
Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days contains 366 spells, rituals, meditations, Pagan prayers, divinatory techniques, poems to read and recipes and craft projects to try out, along with the details of festivals that take place throughout the year. All the activities are intended to be easy to follow so you can pick up the book, open it to a day and find something you can do. There are festivals from the ancient world and modern Pagan celebrations as well.
As well as coming up with the idea for Every Day Magic, I edited and contributed to it. However, as it is a community book I will not be receiving royalties - I asked for any money raised from it to be used to help bring more pagan writers' works into publication.

Also, although the book isn't due to be officially launched until November 24, but you will be able to see and buy early copies of the book at the launch party at London's Atlantis Bookshop on November 4. The Atlantis Bookshop is at 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY and the party runs from 4pm to 7pm. The launch event will be free to attend, but you will need to reserve a place in advance. Tel: 020 7405 2120 or pop into the shop to book your place - and possibly even sneak a very early view of the book if you ask nicely.

You can find out more about Every Day Magic here: http://www.moon-books.net/books/pagan-portals-pagan-book-days

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