Monday, 22 October 2018

Review: The Wicca Moon Samhain Box

The Wicca Moon Samhain Box, which I received on Friday, is so full of wonderful witchy goodies that I needed to sit down with a good cup of tea after the excitement of opening it up. Mind you, all the makings of a good cup of tea are among the things inside - as you can see in the photo above.

I've been enjoying the Wheel of the Year boxes from Wicca Moon for all of the pagan festivals, but the Samhain kit is the best yet in my opinion.

My favourite item is the little pottery cauldron you can see in the photo on the right. It comes with instructions for scrying by candlelight, which is something I usually do at Samhain.

Scrying is a bit more than fortune telling - it means looking into a crystal ball, mirror, bowl of water or similar reflective surface to divine the answers to questions and for personal introspection. Wicca Moon suggests putting a crystal at the bottom of the cauldron of water to help you focus. A crystal, candles, incense and a bottle of universal condenser are also included in the set, so you have all you need to get started.

Once you have finished, it is a good idea to jot down everything you saw in a notebook. Luckily, there is also a pretty little notebook in the Samhain box.

As well as scrying or other forms of divination, Samhain is the perfect time for casting spells. The Wicca Moon kit contains one to do by writing your wish on a piece of black tissue paper and then burning it. (Do make sure you burn it on something fireproof like a baking tray - you don't want to set fire to your altar!) It is a nice, easy spell to do as part of a longer ritual or just on its own.

The kit also contains a seasonal altar cloth and some witchy jewellery.

Information about Samhain in the box explains that this pagan festival is not just another name for Halloween - they are in fact two celebrations with different origins that happen at the same time of year.

For many modern pagans, Samhain is time to mark the end of the harvest and to honour the ancestors who have passed on. Wicca Moon suggests several ways of celebrating the season either on your own or with friends or family.

I'm really looking forward to trying out my new little scrying cauldron, making a wish and having a lovely cup of tea in my new mug to celebrate the witches' new year.

You can order the Wheel of the Year Samhain Box online here:

Wicca Moon is at 50 Well Hall Road, Eltham, London, SE9 6SH.

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