There are loads of wonderful events taking place all over the UK to celebrate May Day, or Beltane, in traditional and pagan ways. Here are some of the things going on over the next week or so - mostly in London, because that's where I am based, but some in other parts of the England including the Hastings Jack-in-the-Green Festival.
Now - October; Waking the Witch. Touring exhibition curated by Legion Projects and supported by Arts Council England. Venues: (1 May - 8 June) Sidney Cooper Gallery, Canterbury; (September - October 2019) Bonington Gallery, Nottingham.
Now - 22 June; Magical Exhibitions in York: Magic and Mystery. Exhibition exploring the fine line between science, religion and magic in medieval society. Venue: Barley Hall, 2 Coffee Yard, York, YO1 8AR. Open 9am-5pm daily. Normal admission costs.
Now - 31 October; Betwixt and Between: Isobel Gowdie, the Witch of Auldearn - the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic's summer exhibition. Venue: The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic, Boscastle, Cornwall. Entry with museum ticket.
Now - 15 September; Smoke and Mirrors - exhibition about the psychology of magic. It includes items from the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. There are also live performances of stage conjuring on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Venue: Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE. Free admission.
Now - end of May; Occult and Symbolism Group Exhibition. Venue: The Underdog Gallery, Arch 6 Crucifix Lane, London SE1 3JW. Time: 6.30pm. The exhibition is free to view. Details:
Wednesday 24 April; XR: Sacred Drumming @ Parliament Square with Heron Drums - Shamanic. Location: Parliament Square, London. Time: 1pm.
Wednesday 24 April; Time to Meditate - group meditation (every Wednesday). Venue: Buddha on a Bicycle, Covent Garden, London. Arrive 6pm for 6.10pm start. Donations of £3 recommended. Details:
Wednesday 24 April; Breathwork with Dragons for St George's Day with Lucy North. Venue: She's Lost Control, 42 Valentine Road, London E9 7AD. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £32.
Wednesday 24 April; London Kabbalah Group weekly meeting. Venue: The Meditation Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX. Time: 7.30pm. Entry: £10.
Wednesday 24 April; Comix, Cults and the Occult. Entertainment at Helgi's, 177 Mare Street, London E8 3RH. Time: 7pm. Entry: £6.66.
Wednesday 24 April; Resurgence Talks: Building and Dwelling – Ethics for the City with Richard Sennett. Venue: 42 Acres, 66 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LW. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £12. For more details visit:
Wednesday 24 April; Discussion of Rites of Passage at Hertford and Ware Moot Moot. (Usually last Wednesday of each month.) Venue: The White Horse, 33 Castle Street, SG14 1HH Hertford, Hertfordshire. Time: 8pm. Entry: £3.
Thursday 25, Friday 26 and Saturday 27 April; Morning tour: an introduction to ancient Egypt. Venue: Room 4, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Time: 8.50am. Tickets £30. For more details visit:
Thursday 25 April; Touched by Nature. Talk about plant spirit medicine journeys with Lucy Wells and Pip Waller. Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website or
Thursday 25 April; Her Eyes Were Wild: Fairies and Madness. Lecture by Folklorist Jeremy Harte at London Fortean Society. Venue: The Bell, 50 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EX.. Time: 7.45pm. Tickets: £4/£2.
Friday 26 April; Fantastic Beasts in Celtic Art. Gallery Talk. Venue: Room 50, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Time: 1.15pm. Free entry. For more details visit:
Friday 26 April; AGM followed by lecture at Rilko (Research Into Lost Knowledge). Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35, Park Road, London, NW1 6XT. Time: 6.45pm, lecture usually starts 7.15pm. Entrance: £8/£10.

Saturday 27 April. Pagan FutureFests - Belostra festival with music, stalls, talks, dancing, drumming and refreshments. Venue: Stanley Halls, London SE25 6A.
Saturday 27 April; SPR Study Day - Tribute to Guy Lyon Playfair. Venue: Society for Psychical Research HQ, 1 Vernon Mews, London, W14 0RL. Time and price tba.
Saturday 27 April; Family Storytelling at Leighton House Museum with London Dreamtime. Venue: Leighton House Museum 12 Holland Park Road London W14 8LZ. Time: 2pm and 3pm. Tickets: Tickets: £3 for children, free for accompanying adults. For more details visit email or visit
Saturday 27 April; Earthkin Springtime Gathering. A family-friendly gathering and picnic. Venue: Gillespie Park Nature Reserve, Islington, London N5. Time: 2pm.
Saturday 27 April; Beltane Ceremony with Watchers of the Old Ways at the Rollright Stones, off the A3400,Chipping Norton OX7 5QB. Time: 2pm.
Saturday 27 April; The Thin Veil of London. Two-hour walk around Holborn and Bloomsbury, interwoven with mysteries from the stories of Arthur Machen, with Minimum Labyrinth. Tickets: £17.50 (£12.50 concessions). Two performances: 3pm and 6pm. Details and booking:
Sunday 28 April; Sunday Meditation class with Lisabetta every Sunday. Drop-in class suitable for beginners and more experienced meditators. Venue: The Little Escape Therapy Centre, 4 Paxton Mews, off Westow St, London SE19 3RW. Time: 10am-11am. Cost: £12 per class, £30 for 3 classes.
Sunday 28 April; NWK Pagans Seaside Picnic and Moot. Venue: The Leas, Sheerness, ME12. Time: 1pm. You must be a member of the group to attend.
Sunday 28 April; Candle Magic Workshop. Afternoon workshop based on my book Pagan Portals - Candle Magic. Venue: Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury London, WC1E 7BS. Time: 1pm-3.15pm. Cost: £20 per person. You can book online at or reserve a place by calling 020 7419 8507, emailing or visiting the shop.
Sunday 28 April; Anderida Gorsedd Beltane open ritual at the Long Man of Wilmington, Sussex. Meet near the car park between 1.30pm and 2pm for a walk up to the chalk hill figure at 2pm. Afterwards back to the Giants Rest pub in Wilmington for a social drink together.
Sunday 28 April; Wellbeing Workshop. Venue: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London, W1U 8EA. Time: 2pm. Entry £7/£.
Sunday 28 April; Woodland Beltane 2019. Seasonal festival gathering with London Woodland Witches and Pagans. Location: Queen's Woods, Near Highgate Station. Meet at the Woodman pub at 2pm to walk to the woods at 2.30pm. Tickets: £5, wear outdoor clothing and bring food and drink to share. Details:
Sunday 28 April; Beltane Online Newsletter 2019 hosted by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Online event, so take part wherever you are. Time: 3pm-4pm.
Monday 29 April; Free Beginners Astrology Class by Astrological Lodge of London. (Every Monday evening). Venue: 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA, Time: 6pm-6.50pm. Tickets: Free.
Monday 29 April; Melting the Ice in the Heart of Humanity. Talk by Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq at Alternatives. Venue: St James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, W1J 9LL. Doors open 6.30pm. Event starts: 7pm. Tickets £15/£20.
Monday 29 April; Meeting Aleister Crowley and his Magick Evening Mini-Workshop – Marco Visconti . Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm. Tickets £20. Book online at or reserve a place by visiting the shop.
Tuesday, 30 April; So Moot It Bee Beltane. Pagan Moot. Venue: The Good Intent, 3 John Street, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1YL. Time: 7.30pm.
Wednesday 1 May; Forest Bathing in Queen's Wood, Highgate. Meet in the cabin behind Queen's Wood Cafe, Highgate. Time: 9.30am. Price: £25.
Wednesday 1 May; Earth Festival: Wheel of the Year Meditation - Beltane fire at 7am, Maypole dancing accompanied by live music at 8:30am, gather at the well head for meditation at noon, followed by conversation on the lower lawn. Venue: Chalice Well World Peace Garden, in Glastonbury. Free admission to the gardens from 6am to noon. For more details, visit the website
Wednesday 1 May; Fowlers Troop and the Deptford Jack in the Green will be out and about in Greenwich this May Day. Jack will start from the Dog and Bell at noon. From there the troop will make tour of Greenwich and Deptford. Everyone is welcome to come along. Details:
Wednesday 1 May; The Crick Crack Club's Alternative Tarot! #3 – Rebels And Heroes. Venue: Rich Mix Studio 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA. Tickets: £8 door / £6 advance (adults only). Start: 8pm. Event link:
Thursday 2 May; Elizabethan Magic. Talk at the Wicca Meetup Group. Location in London (tba). Time: 6.30pm.
Thursday 2 May; PFL Open Ritual for Beltane led by The Loose Association of Druids. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Time: 7.30pm for 8pm start. Entry: £6/£5 (PF members and concessions).
Friday 3-Monday 6 May; Hastings Jack-in-the-Green Festival - traditional annual event to celebrate May with music, a procession, Morris Dancing, a May Queen and Jack-in-the-Green. Full four-day festival programme culminating on Bank Holiday Monday with the Jack in the Green parade. For full details visit the festival website:
Friday 3 May; Beltane Cacao Ceremony. Venue: Aho Studio, 13 Prince Edward Rd, London, E9 5LX. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.
Saturday 4 May; Rune Magic and Ceremony. Afternoon class with Andreas Kornevall. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 1pm-5.30pm. Tickets £40. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email:
Saturday 4 May; Free and Open Gorsedd of Caer Abiri Beltain Celebraton. Druidic ceremony to celebrate Beltaine at Avebury stone circle in Wiltshire. Meet at the Red Lion pub from Noon for ceremony around 1.30pm. Offerings of bread, mead and song or poetry welcome. Overnight camping is allowed in the overflow car park.
Saturday 4 May; Beltain Wickerman Festival at Butser Ancient Farm. Afternoon/evening of entertainment and refreshments culminating with the burning of the giant wickerman at dusk. Venue: Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton Lane, Chalton, Waterlooville, Hants, PO8 0BG. Time: 4.30pm-10pm. Tickets: £28/£23
Sunday 5 May; Glastonbury Dragons May Fayre 2019. Location: Glastonbury, Somerset. Time: 10am-5pm. Free event.
Sunday 5 May; The Marseille Tarot Introduced. One-day course with Adrien Mastrosimone. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 11am-5.30pm. Tickets £75. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email:
Sunday 5 May; Beltane Celebration on Primrose Hill with the Loose Association of Druids. Gather in the Hawthorne Grove at Primrose Hill, London, NW1 8YH, between 12.30pm and 12.45pm to prepare the site ready for a prompt 1pm start. Nearest tube: Chalk Farm. Bring a small contribution of food and drink to share.
Sunday 5 May; Beltane Bonfire, Ritual and BBQ. Venue: Shey Copse, Woking, GU22 8HS. Time: 3.30pm – 8pm.
Note: I am not responsible for any of these events except my Candle Magic workshop at Treadwell's. I try to ensure the details I list are accurate, but please contact the organisers before turning up to any event in case of changes. If you spot something that needs correcting, please email me at
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