Saturday, 17 August 2019

Pagan Eye: Strange Sightings in Clowes Wood

This picture was sent to me by Jodie Hibbert Scobie, who said: "I was researching the history of Clowes Wood when I came across your blog. I was here yesterday. I absentmindedly took a photo of my son's friend. We were walking and chatting. When we arrived home, I was scrolling through my photos. I spotted what seems to be a black hooded figure in the background on the right. My son spotted what appears to be a face on the left hand side.

"I have attached them in case they are of interest to you and also in case you're able to shed any light. The atmosphere in Clowes Wood yesterday was very 'off'. My son walked under a tree and just after he'd passed it, a branch fell right where he'd been walking. We just laughed it off as coincidence, but I'm not wondering if there may have been anything to it. We heard little to no birdsong.

"Anyway, feel free to use my name and photo if it creates a blog of interest. I look forward to hearing from you or, potentially, reading a blog."

Thanks very much, Jodie, for sending in the picture. It is mysterious, I agree. I can't quite make out what the black shapes outlined might be, although it is possible that they are two people wearing robes to do a ceremony to honour the season of Lammas out in nature. If so, that would be perfectly innocent, although might look surprising to passers-by. Or, of course, the figures could be more supernatural. If anyone has any other ideas, do leave a comment.

Clowes Wood is in Kent, near Canterbury. You can find more details here:

My Pagan Eye posts show photos that I find interesting - seasonal images, pagan sites, events, or just pretty pictures. If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself.

The photograph is copyright Jodie Hibbert Scobie.

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