Rattles are quite a useful thing to have, especially if you like to make a noise as a witch or as a tool for shamanic journeying. Here is one you can upcycle out of leftover bits and pieces. I used a crisps tube, an old picture from a calendar and some dry pumpkin seeds.
The type of crisps tubes that have a snap-on lid at the top are notoriously hard to recycle as they contain lots of different types of material - or so I am told. So, when someone brought one to a party, I decided to find a new use for the tube. A rattle came to mind.
Pumpkin seeds might be left over if you carve a Halloween pumpkin lantern. Dry them at a low heat in the oven. You can eat them if you like, but a few could also go into the rattle. They make the perfect sound.
Then all I did was decorate the outside of the tube with a picture I liked from an old calendar, stuck on with glue. Then I put the plastic lid back on the top of the tube. It really does make a great sound.
You can see the picture of the one I made to the right.
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I did a lot of these with knitting and putting rice inside. Another idea is the plastic Easter Eggs again I covered them with knitting, but you could crochet too.
Yes, rice would make a different sound so you could have a variety of sounding rattles.
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