Thursday 26 March 2020

Pagan Eye: Red Camellia Blooming in my Garden

I know I am lucky. I have a garden where I can go outside and get some fresh air even when we are all supposed to stay at home. Seeing spring flowers does help me when I am feeling anxious. Here is a photo of a red camellia blooming this week.

If you have a garden and would like to send me photos of your favourite flowers, I would love to see them and can share them on my blog if you like.

My Pagan Eye posts show photos that I find interesting - seasonal images, pagan sites, events, or just pretty pictures. If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself.

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