Friday, 29 May 2020

Self-Seeded Flowers: Nature Between the Cracks

Here are more signs of nature thriving, with words and pictures by Jane Mortimer. After reading my post yesterday (May 26) on weeds and wild roses, Jane emailed me to say:
"Looking at your blog today was a big coincidence. This morning I too was out in my dishevelled front garden taking photos of lovely things that are growing from between the paving and the bottom of the wall of the house. The green plant in the pic [below] is Helleborus Argutifolius that's self-seeded in a few places. A plant that size cost me a tenner a few years ago, but sadly it didn't come back this year, so it's nice to see it's had a few babies, but I'll have to oik out some of the cobbles to get them safely to another location. The lovely opium poppy [pictured right] is welcoming anyone who comes to our front door. It'll be gone tomorrow, but each day a new bud or two will open.
"Remember I sent you a photo of a clear blue sky over Chadwell Heath a few weeks ago? Well, it can't be coincidence that now the sky is bluer and the air cleaner, we have our biggest crop ever of blackcurrants and gooseberries forming on the bushes, and elderflowers to make wine and cordial - there's a big pillowcase of elderflowers hanging up to dry in the garage.. We've also had thrushes and sparrows in our back garden for the first time this century. I do believe that Mother Earth is trying to tell us enough's enough. Coronavirus isn't the kindest way to teach us a lesson with such a huge cost in terms of human lives, our economy, our wellbeing and education, but we really can't go on plundering and polluting our amazing planet and taking everything for granted like we've been doing for generations. There was a price to pay, and now we're paying it."
I must say I agree that the signs of nature thriving offer a little good news among all daily tragedies of this year.

Here are links to previous pictures and posts by Jane:

1 comment:

Sharon Wayne said...
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