Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Online Pagan Events for the Rose & Strawberry Moon

The full moon this Friday is traditionally called the Strawberry Moon in America and the Rose Moon in England. Whatever you call it, there's lots to celebrate. Here is a list of online events and resources for pagans, witches and those with similar interests. I mostly list events in the UK, but some of the activities are outside that time zone, so check what time it will start in your location. If you know an online ritual, talk, meeting or workshop you want included, please email me at

Wednesday 3 June (and every morning); Pagan Federation Online Garden. Share links, pictures of what you're growing, cooking, baking, knitting, sewing, crocheting or otherwise creating, nurturing and more on social media. Time: from 10am every day.

Wednesday 3 June; Waffling Witches Live Chat with the Kitchen Witch Coven of Natural Witchery, hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witchcraft series of books. Time: 2.30pm.

Wednesday 3 June; Sound Journey for the Full Moon. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay What You Can Tickets: £1-£15. Time: 7pm.

Wednesday 3 June; Seed Sistas live web video on herbalism next Wednesday. Time: 7.30pm. Registration:  Find out more about the Seed Sistas here:

Thursday 4 June; Online Meditation Sound Session for Stress and Anxiety. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £11.37.

Thursday 4 June; Advanced Elemental Magic for Beginners. Online workshop with Julian Vayne, organised byTreadwell's. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.

Thursday 4 June; Learn the Tarot - Suit of Cups Masterclass. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £20-£30. Time: 7pm.

Thursday 4 June; Online Full Moon Rite and Introduction to Eclipse Magic with Mani, author of a book on eclipse magic. Organised through London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £8.50.

Friday, 5 June; Online Shamanic Journeying Workshop with the Hathors for the Strawberry Moon, workshop with London Shamanic Journeying Circle. Time: 10am-noon. Tickets: £10.

Friday, 5 June; Love, Death and the Devil's Son. Live online storytelling with Jason Buck Storyteller. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £1-£5.50.

Friday, 5 June; Full Moon Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions: £1-£20. Time: 7pm.

Friday, 5 June; Online Full Moon Rite. An inclusive, virtual, non-path-specific, full moon gathering.  Time: 9.15pm. Free.

Saturday 6 June; Full Moon Event with Peace Fires. Light a candle or fire for peace wherever you are in the world, for just for 10 minutes or an hour or longer and state the intention: “Let there be peace on earth and love for one another.” Details:

Saturday 6 June; Wisdom and Wellbeing Online Fair. A free day of talks, workshops, shopping and reading demos. Time: 10am-8pm.

Saturday 6 June; Starlight Apothecary Zoom Workshop with Edwin Courtenay through the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 11am-4pm. Tickets: Members: £65, Non-members: £85.

Saturday 6 June; Magic in Nature. Workshop online and in nature with Denise Parker. Time: 11am. Free.

Saturday 6 June; Growing Your Own Herbs. Online workshop with Hackney Herbal. Time: 11am-1pm. Tickets: £20.

Saturday 6 June; Cards, Cocoa and Charms: Devon's Forgotten Witches. Talk  by Tracy Norman as part of Crediton Literary Festival (Online). Time: 7pm. Free event but you must email to request a place. Details: and

Saturday 6 June; Shamanic Journeying. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay What You Can Tickets: £1-£20. Time: 7pm.

Saturday 6 June; What Is Paganism? Zoom talk by Jennifer Susan Uzzell, organised through the Centre For Pagan Studies. Time: 8pm. Details and links:

Saturday 6 June; Mystic Chat ep. 8. A panel discussion about paganism, magick, spirituality, and community, hosted by Chris Allaun. Time: 4pm in North America (10pm BST). Free.

Saturday 6 June - 4 July; 30-day course: Encountering the Dark Goddess, hosted by Temple of the Dark Moon. This intense series of workshops involves encountering and working with the "shadow self". It is being run in Australia, but as it is an online course, can be taken anywhere in the world. Tickets: $150 (Australian). Details and booking:

Sunday 7 June; Magic in the Home. Online talk via Children of Circe, is a private pagan group run by Richard Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to watch the videos: Time: 3pm. Free event.

Sunday 7 June; Shadow Work Sets you Free. Webinar workshop with Goddess Awakening. Time: 7pm. Free.

Sunday 7 June; Dream Academy - Journaling. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £11-£30. Time: 8pm.

Monday 8 June; The Saga of Branwen - storytelling. Centre For Pagan Studies podcast. Time: 8pm. Details:

Monday 8 June; Venus Retrograde - Astrology Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£5-£20). Time: 6.30pm.

Monday 8 June, Midsummer Witchcraft with Rebecca Beattie through Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.

Monday 8 June, Evolving from Individuals to Unividuals. Free Webinar by Tim Freke, organised by Watkins Books. Time: 8pm. Details and booking:

Monday 8 June; The Saga of Branwen - storytelling. Centre For Pagan Studies podcast. Time: 8pm. Details:

Monday 8 - Friday 10 June; Online Wicca Course for Beginners over three nights with Mani. Organised through London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £30.

Tuesday 9 June; Heron Drums Online Shamanic Drum Circle via Zoom. Time: 7pm:  Details:

Wednesday 10 June; Sound Journey - Attune to the Moon. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay What You Can Tickets: £1-£15. Time: 7pm.

Thursday 11 June; Left-Hand Path Tantra. Online workshop with Julian Vayne, organised byTreadwell's. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.

Thursday 11 June; The Lore of the Sun. Online talk at South East London Folklore Society. Time: 8pm. Price: pay what you can - suggested donation £5. Details:

Saturday 13 June; Harvesting and Using Herbs to Make Remedies. Online workshop with Hackney Herbal. Time: 11am-1pm. Tickets: £20.

Saturday 13 June; Ashley Mortimer: Witchcraft and the Wica plus special Performance, part of Witchfest Online organised by Children of Artemis. Time: 4pm. For more details and links:

Sunday 14 June; Meeting Your Spirit Guides. Online talk via Children of Circe, is a private pagan group run by Richard Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to watch the videos: Time: 5pm. Free event.

Free Practical Magic 101 tutorials: How to do Candle Magic, How to Burn Loose Incense, How to use a Sage Smudge, How to use a Pendulum at plus free podcasts: For £12.99 a month you can also subscribe to gain access to uploaded illustrated lectures and seminars from Treadwell's renowned catalogue of events:

Free online resources from Hay House including podcasts, videos and ebooks on mind, body, spirit subjects:

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not responsible for the content of any of these events so please contact the organisers with any questions, although if you spot something that needs correcting on my blog, do let me know so I can amend it. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical protection, this is *not* medical advice


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for taking time to organise all of these events. It truly helps when one is overwhelmed with information and do not know which events are better suited. Your list makes it easier to use my time more efficiently.
~Miranda~Gypsy Moon
*Vi veri universum vivus vici*

Badwitch said...

Glad you like the list, but I don't personally organise or vet any of the events - I only compile a list of events that I spot being mentioned or advertised.