Thursday 23 July 2020

Pagan Eye: Scrying by Water and Lantern-Light

Jane Mortimer photographed her scrying bowl, lantern and scented oil burner, and I think the image is really evocative. She wrote: "I don't do magickal workings at the dark of the Moon, but it's a good time for scrying, so I thought I'd have a go. The 5p coin in the bowl looked a bit like the moon with the frankincense oil fumes wafting across it. The oil burner was a little treat when I went shopping to my favourite witchy shop... 13 Moons."

I admit I hadn't heard of 13 Moons before, so I did a search and discovered the shop is at
855 Forest Road, London E17, and has a Facebook page:

My Pagan Eye posts show photos that I find interesting - seasonal images, pagan sites, events, or just pretty pictures. If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself.

The photo at the top is copyright Jane Mortimer.

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