Friday, 14 August 2020

My Book on Candle Magic is Officially a Best-Seller!

I've got wonderful news from Moon Books that my first book on witchcraft - Pagan Portals: Candle Magic - is now officially a best-seller.

An email from the Gavin Davies, who is head of marketing and keeps track of sales, said: "Congratulations on having sold 5,000-plus copies of Pagan Portals - Candle Magic. By most definitions, in most markets, this is where it starts being thought of as a “bestseller”."

I'm absolutely delighted to have this to celebrate as well as this week being able to announce I am working on an official project based on the Rivers of London novels.

I also really want to thank everyone who has bought my books, attended my workshops and supported me by writing reviews since it was published. You can find out more about my writings on witchcraft at my Moon Books author page, or you can view Pagan Portals - Candle Magic on Amazon.

(Please note I earn commission from some links)


Jane said...

Congratulations Lucya. That's fantastic news!

Badwitch said...

Jane - Thanks very much!

Netty0403 said...

Ooh looking forward to the Rivers project!! X

Badwitch said...

Thank you Netty!

Victoria Raschke said...


Badwitch said...

Thank you Victoria!